
photo of Barclarys Stop Funding Ecocide banner

XR Buddhists from across the UK yesterday took part in Extinction Rebellion’s Money Rebellion.

Despite the worsening climate & extinction crisis, banks continue to invest massively in fossil fuels. The money rebellion is to raise awareness and to put pressure on banks to defund fossil fuel and other harmful investments. One of the main targets was Barclays bank, who have invested $145 billion in fossil fuels since the Paris Agreement in 2015.

Find out how your own bank is doing here: https://switchit.money/

Nick and Patrick meditate in Barclary bank. 'Nick is wearing a sign that reads $145 Billion invested in fossil fules since 2015.. criminal.' Patrick is wearing a sign that says 'Barclarys the ecocide bank'
Nick and Patrick meditating in a Barclays highstreet branch
Three people meditating outside a Barclays bank in Cambridge. They have pasted lots of 'the ecocide bank' posters to the windows and have signs and banners including: Stop Ecocide funding, clean up properly divest now and stop funding fossil fuel.
XR Buddhists meditating outside Cambridge Barclays
Joe meditating inside a Barclays
XR Buddhist Joe is being carried out of the bank by two police officers.
Joe being removed by police
three meditators sit in front of some wide concrete steps wearing signs saying 'infinite growth finite planet' and listing high-street banks investment in fossil fuel in billions on dollars in 2020.
Satya. Mel and Kaspa demonstrating in Malvern
Placards reading Infinite Growth, Finite Planet, and Your Bank Funds the Climate Crisis.
Signs used in the Malvern demonstration
a person sits outside a Barclays bank, near and ATM, wearing an Barclays the Ecocide Bank placard.
Meditating outside a Barclays brank branch
two XR rebels hold a green banner with the words: the planet needs a Barclays bank holiday

Posts and articles are the views of their authors and not necessarily of the XR Buddhists group.

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