What happens during an XR Rebellion?
Rebellions are a planned series of actions with a particular focus or aim. There is something for everyone: marches, speeches by activists and writers, arty actions as well as more confrontative actions like blocking roads and occupying buildings. And police of course, and press folk with cameras and questions. XR Buddhists often engage with walking or sitting meditation in the midst of it all. There’s also an active ‘well-being’ presence providing emotional support and training and giving information to new rebels. Plans of course change as the rebellion unfolds – things don’t necessarily (hardly ever) go to plan – just like real life.
What is planned for the next Rebellion?
The next XR rebellion is planned to start in London on Monday 23rd August and run for two weeks at least. The focus is on challenging the Government’s support for the fossil fuel industry and the financial system which supports fossil fuel extraction and use.
In the lead up there is a ‘Kill the Bill’ march on the 21st protesting against the Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill (which BTW won’t be law by August), and trainings for people new to XR on the 22nd (which are then available throughout). But the XR proper rebellion starts on Monday 23rd. The focus will be on disrupting the financial districts in London which are supporting the fossil fuel economy, probably with road blocks, occupations of buildings and marches. More ‘high-impact’ actions are planned for the 2nd week.
I can’t come for the whole two weeks though..
Not a problem! Whatever time you have available during this time will be valuable. Many rebels will be doing only one week or a day or two when they can, and others will be taking part in the ‘digital rebellion’ which can be done from home.

What’s it like to be part of it?
It’s exhilarating and tiring, moving and sometimes scary. But always there’s an experience of being part of a community with vitality, meaning and purpose. Sometimes planned actions don’t work out and it’s frustrating and disappointing. It can be physically uncomfortable and maybe you won’t get to shower as often as you’d like. But it’s powerfully uplifting to be taking action in a community which also cares deeply about our precious and imperilled planet. It’s probably the most effective cure for hopelessness about the climate crisis available.
What will XR Buddhists be doing?
All our actions are rooted in our commitment to peace and compassion; they are strictly non-violent; this is also a founding principle of XR as a whole.
Whenever possible before an action we gather as a group in a quiet place to connect with ourselves and each other, and to reflect on why we are taking this particular action.
What about arrests: is this compulsory?
Absolutely not! Arrests get a lot of air time but only a small proportion of rebels actually get arrested: others cannot do so or choose not to because of their particular life circumstances. For every person arrested there are about 20 other rebels doing non-arrestable actions, providing their particular skills in a wide variety of ways, such as well-being support, doing non-arrestable actions, offering their skills as artists or cooks or tech support. Whatever your particular area of skill and passion there is a place for you.
I can’t actually come to London this time. Is there anything I can do?
Before: Come to our meetings and contribute your ideas and get involved in planning and offering your skills – such as art, writing or experience with tech etc.
During: help XRB with ‘back office’ support posting pics on our website, take part in XR’s ‘Digital Rebellion’ specially designed for folk to do from home, post supportive messages on XRB chat and join our protest meditations by meditating at home at the same times.
After: Come to the review meetings, share your experience and offer support.
This would be my first rebellion. Is there anything I need to do to get prepared?
Yes. XR’s Non Violent Direct Action training. (NVDA) is an essential training for all rebels. This training introduces Extinction Rebellion’s tactics of nonviolent direct action and civil disobedience, with discussion of the rationale, logistics and do’s and don’ts of XR actions. Then there is ‘Know your Rights’ training which provides essential information on your rights at protests, your rights when talking to the police, and your rights if you do get arrested. See link to XR trainings below.
Who do I contact and how to I find out more?
Join the August Rebellion Telegram Group
For any questions please do not hesitate to contact XR Buddhist by email on info@xrbuddhists.com we’d love to hear from you
Click here for details of XR training sessions.
And check the events page for our next introductory “Welcome” meeting and find out more about XR Buddhists, meet others and ask your questions.
You will find personal accounts of actions from individual members here.
You will find a wealth of other information videos and talks that might interest you on our website also.
We look forward to seeing you at a meeting or on the streets!
Warm wishes
XR Buddhists