I saw a photo of a striking walking meditation shared on Facebook. It was an XR Buddhist action in Boston in the United States. I reached out and asked them if they had any more images, and could share some words about their actions. Jan Surry responded:

“The experience of walking mindfully in silence. The challenge of doing nonconventional action requires strong concentration on each step. Touching the Earth. Standing and walking together to remember and share our deep focus on the climate emergency and on climate justice. It feels good to stand up together and walk for what’s important.
Ringing the mindfulness bell in public – wake up! Join us in our deep care and compassionate action.
We hand out a card which describes climate injustice and how XR is working for justice and climate change. We practice silently sending Metta to each person we encounter. A silent heart offering to acknowledge the suffering each of us and all our children and grandchildren will know.
Our care for all beings generates our action. This meditative practice is very powerful.”
Contact jsurrey@aol.com to find out more